Saying "I love you" is a simple thing. But relationships advance as love is shown, not just spoken in words. If you want to express love to your partner, display your feelings in acts of kindness, going out of your way to show that you,being patient, and being gentle. Remember, if someone is trying to decide if you really love them, they will probably judge your actions more so than what you say. And showing someone you love them is a pleasure for both of you.
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نورت دنيا التدوين و سماه كمان
الله يبارك فيكي يا لولو
ReplyDeleteوالله انتي اللي نورتيني .. وبجد مبسوط اوي ان انتي اول كومنت واول واحدة تدخل هنا :)
قال اية ان انتي مش اللي قولتيلي اعملها ازاي :D
يارب يجعل وشها خير وسعاده
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الله يكرمك يا زهراء يا رب .. والله انا اتشرفت بحضرتك واتشرفت اني اكون جزء من المجتمع ده :)